One of my all-time favorite projects in college was this one. A project that I love so much, it won me a Silver Addy in the Mid-Michigan ADDY Awards in 2019. In my Senior Design class, we were given the opportunity to create and build a brand from the boots up. Truly, the sky was the limit. It could be something real, something futuristic – you name it.

Being the wino, witchy, astrology nerd that I have always been, it seemed totally appropriate to merge these passions into one. Enter: Wicked Sister Rosé. Many rounds of analog sketching were done, countless peer review and crits, and maybe a few tear of joy were shed in learning the ins and outs that go into a brand.

We were tasked to create several deliverables: a logo (of course), color scheme, business card and letterhead envelope, item packaging, a print magazine ad, and a few marketing materials of our choosing. Below you will find these items in their digital form. I hope you enjoy and indulge but most importantly, drink up, witches.

Project: Mock Branding, Michigan State

Duration: 3 months

Collaborators: myself