Pinkerton is a B2B organization and the website has to be informational, easy to follow, and have clear UX. While those are all important things, sometimes the aesthetic of a website has to take a back seat. We dove head first into all sorts of styles on our landing page to see if we could liven the page up. Unfortunately, the homepage previously had too much motion, an unclear path of information, and no clear sense of what Pinkerton offered as a business. We were losing out on leads and traffic was going down.

We chose to reimagine the homepage and dig deep about what was most important. Since Pinkerton is one of the longest standing organizations in America – and additionally the world – showcasing our history first made sense to us. Followed by Programs, Service delivery units, and our Find a Risk Advisor interaction map. The page went from having animation or interaction in every section, to none at all.

The final deliverable is something I am very proud of. It exudes Pinkerton’s values and culture of timelessness, loyalty, stability, neutrality, and trust.

Project: UX Design

Duration: 2 months

Collaborators: myself, Marketing Web Developer